Lawn Program
Royal Pest Services lawn program takes care of everything from the root system up. We first meet with you to perform an in-depth lawn analysis; we then incorporate your concerns and expectations, and customize your lawn program to give you the result you are looking for. Guaranteed!!!
Your Lawn will be treated at regular intervals with our custom blended granular and liquid fertilizers. This will promote thicker greener lawns by feeding naturally through the roots. Treatment includes control-released nutrients, which feed the top consistently between applications. This avoids surge growth and promotes even greening throughout the year.
Broad Leaf Control
Broad leaf weeds are targeted at the proper time of the year. We perform a separate trip across your lawn to make the control of both broadleaf weeds and sedge a priority. We apply both a Pre and Post- emergent herbicide to help keep weeds under control.
Since successful control of lawn damaging insects is dependant on making timely applications, we monitor your lawn for turf damaging insects such as chinch bugs, sod webworms and mole crickets each and every application. And treat for them at the right time with just the right amount to help prevent your lawn from getting damaged by these unrelenting insects.
In the fall we apply a winterizer lawn fertilizer treatment which will encourage a deep root system that will protect the lawn and help minimize winter damage. This will stimulate root development, strengthen lawn and encourage early spring growth.
Service Follow-Up
Although we do our best to address each situation at the time of our regular visit, question and concerns can arise between applications. A simple phone call to our office will result in a trained specialist to address and remedy your concerns at no additional charge.
We have several different lawn programs and payment options available, please call our office today to schedule your FREE no obligation lawn analysis.